What you should know about livestreams:

One thing is clear: the price of a stream depends heavily on the provider and (often) their expertise. Apart from this, the following points can strongly influence the costs:
  • Personnel
    Many providers charge a certain daily rate per person (e.g. €800). More staff means correspondingly higher costs. Nevertheless, the necessary personnel should not be spared in order to achieve a high-quality streaming result.
  • Technology
    There are providers that work with the latest cameras and therefore feed better video quality into the stream than companies that specialize in tablet streaming, for example. Depending on the quality requirements, however, corresponding costs must also be expected. A 4k film camera such as the Sony PTZ FR7 can cost €700 for a day, as opposed to €50 for a single tablet.
  • Travel
    This point can quickly become the biggest cost item if the distance between the provider and the stream location is long. Almost all specialists charge a mileage allowance and accommodation if required. This can quickly add up to four-figure sums, especially for events lasting several days.
    As an example: 0,50€/km incl. Transport and delivery of the technology.
  • Production effort

    A middle way would be an iFrame that is built on your own website and can also be password-protected. If you attach great importance to a professional landing page, a full-service agency is the right partner for you due to its expertise (especially in terms of media design).
    The costs here often depend mainly on the type of transmission. A broadcast via MS Teams (if the required licence is already available) often costs less than a landing page with individual forums built for the event.

Apart from the broadcast, there may be additional costs for belly bands or a subsequent film compilation of the stream. However, the costs for this are usually rather low. The additional requests made by the customer are often underestimated in terms of price. It’s best to ask your chosen provider for a rough price estimate during the phone call.

The biggest cost factors are described under the question „What does a live stream cost?“. Here are a few approaches on how you can minimise costs:

  • Only book necessary technical equipment. For example, one camera instead of five is sufficient for a small, simple stream. But you want a professional stream with proper image switching? Then two to three cameras make sense. The necessity and number of microphones and preview monitors can also be clarified internally in advance. Nevertheless, you should seek advice from your chosen provider, as the professionals often know more precisely which technology can be omitted and which is indispensable.
  • A well thought-out schedule can also save you money. For events that only last a few hours, the start time should be chosen so that set-up and rehearsals can take place beforehand. Example to get by with a daily rate: 3-hour stream – start at 14:00 – before that time for set-up and rehearsal – followed by dismantling.
  • To avoid unnecessarily high travelling costs, you should book a provider in your area.
  • Depending on the type of event, you can also save costs and protect the environment by switching over. Speakers who are far away can also give their presentation from home. This can significantly reduce catering, location and travel costs for hybrid events. In the case of purely virtual events, these expenses are eliminated anyway.

Video conferencing tools such as Microsoft Teams, Zoom or Webex are already widely used and firmly integrated into the daily work routine at some companies. This makes them a practical and often cost-effective tool for livestream transmission (especially if the necessary licences are already available). However, this type of transmission is largely not GDPR-compliant (you can find more details under the question „Why GDPR-compliant?“).

A landing page for the livestream event has the advantage that it can be designed to match the company’s corporate identity or customised as desired. A number of extras can also be integrated. Possibilities would be, for example, to divide individual streams into forums or to offer brochures and the like as downloads, as well as to start direct surveys.

Of course, the stream can also be transferred to the company’s existing website via an iFrame. This is often used as a middle ground, as it is somewhat cheaper than a landing page, but is still GDPR-compliant (provided the page itself is also located on European servers).

For some companies, the GDPR topic is a sensitive but important issue. This point should not be ignored, especially for sensitive data (e.g. company secrets, expertise, …) that is not intended for the public. To ensure that a stream also complies with data protection regulations, a landing page hosted on a European server or integration into your own GDPR-compliant website using an iFrame is suitable.

Social media platforms such as YouTube, Instagram & Co are located on American servers, which therefore do not comply with European data protection standards.

If this topic is also crucial for your company, you should choose a livestream provider that has its own or externally commissioned data protection officer. However, there are also smaller providers who have a special concept for such cases. If in doubt, we will be happy to help you!

To get a quote more quickly, you should have clarified the following points before making an enquiry:

  • What type of event is it?
  • When and for how long will the event take place?
  • Where does it take place?
  • Is additional technology required?
  • How many guests will be invited? (Distinguish: virtual / on site)
  • How many speakers are there? (Distinguish: virtual / on site)
  • What is the budget?
  • Rough schedule, which should be finalised as quickly as possible
In principle, any type of event can be streamed. Here are a few ideas and inspirations:
for private individuals
  • Confirmation
  • Wedding
  • Funeral
for start-ups
  • Networking event
  • Investor Pitch
  • Community Event
  • Fundraising campaign (CrowdFunding Campaign)
  • Hybrid events for employee recruitment
for SMEs (small or medium-sized enterprises)
  • Forums
  • Information events on innovations
  • Personnel meetings
  • Vision Meetings
  • Product presentations
for large corporations
  • Team building
  • Training / Workshops
  • Employee event
  • Conference
  • Roadshow
  • Personnel meetings
  • Sales Meeting
  • Internal annual kick-off event for employees
for insurance companies
  • Exchange of experience
  • workshop
  • AI & Data Analytics training
  • Personnel meetings
  • Employee event
  • Customer event
  • Customer presentations
  • Product presentations
  • Information days
for banks
  • Start of the year / launch events in livestream
  • Employee meetings (personnel meeting, youth meeting) as a stream
  • Personnel council information events as recording and stream
  • Private banking events (interest rate development, share price development) as a hybrid event
  • Onboarding / kick-off events for personnel development as a hybrid stream
  • Personnel meetings
for ministries
  • Citizens‘ dialogue
  • Memorial Day
  • Forums (e.g. tax forum)
  • Information events
  • Series of events on current topics
  • Conferences
  • Expert panels
for authorities
  • Congresses
  • Conferences
  • Webinars
  • workshop
for municipalities / communities
  • Municipal council meeting
  • Citizens‘ meeting
  • Leonhardiritt
  • Info events
for associations / clubs
  • Club celebration
  • Charity Gala
  • Charity run
  • Spring and/or autumn festival
  • Open day
Theoretically, anyone can stream these days. All you need is a tablet or smartphone (= camera) with an internet connection.
If you want to improve the stream quality, the first possible extensions are:
  • Video technology (usually two to three cameras)
  • Sound equipment (qualitative microphones, possibly loudspeakers for the location)
  • Lighting technology (for lighting the speakers & ambience if required)
  • Encoder
  • Decoder
  • Internet bonding device if necessary (Internet fail-safe)
  • Camera accessories (camera radio links, gimbals, sliders, …)
  • Tablet for FAQs and interaction
  • Preview monitors, television

You can find out more in our blog article.

Switching makes every event easier! Apart from the events that take place virtually anyway, hybrid events have one major advantage: a choice. This is because both the audience and the speakers can choose whether they want to be there on site or virtually. This allows you to reach a larger audience and at the same time reduce the costs for catering, location and travel to and from the event. In addition, you can almost always get your favourite speaker, for whom the journey would perhaps have been too long or the time too short at a face-to-face event. And by the way, it’s also good for the environment.

However, there is also a certain risk associated with every switchover. If one of the speakers in your home has technical difficulties, it is often very difficult to help solve the problem. To minimise this risk, many livestream providers offer so-called technical checks or test runs. Here the process is rehearsed and the solution to possible technical hurdles is explained.


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